Ashley Milino
Born of American Itailian descent Ashley lived her childhood in Miami, Fl. After being introduced to modeling at a fairling early age of 14, she loved modeling and took on many photo session in the Miami area. It wasnt to long before agents started to recognize this unique beauty with a European flare. This is when Ashley's career took off. Getting cover after cover, flying all over the world, Ashley has become a true professional.
Ashley's moto is "If you can't run, walk, if you can't walk, crawl, if you can't crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving foreword"~Martin Luther King
Ashley is alway looking to improve and is alway ready for her next challenge. Ashley loves to be in front of a camera, weither it be a still camera or a movie camera. Ashley dosen't let her beauty get in the way of her down to earth personality. Ashley quote's" I dont know why people think im beautiful, I'm just a girl".